Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Rad Dad Enduro!!

April 13, 2014

We made it to round three of the National Enduro series in West Point, TN. The drive was fine except from Indianapolis to West Point it was pouring rain. I figured we were in store for a muddy course. We arrived Friday late morning and got all set up and settled in for the weekend. Saturday morning we went out to find the check in/outs so my parents could get me fuel. Looking at the course by the checks it looked like it was going to be a good race. All the water was soaking in nicely. I got signed up and my bike tech checked so I was ready to go for Sunday’s race. I was really looking forward to this race because I usually had good results here and the trails were more of what I like to ride. 

Sunday started out ok. I got a little bit of arm pump in the end of the test one which slowed my score some. I was able to have my parents rub my arms at the reset and I was good the rest of the day with that. I had a pretty solid day! I made a few small mistakes but nothing too serious. I noticed some of the things I have been working on to improve helped me today. The course had some puddles and mud holes but otherwise the trail was really good. The rain actually was a good thing because we may have had some dust problems throughout the day. The new Expert AA class is stacked- there are a lot of good riders and that pushes me to be better. I ended up finishing 8th in my class and 27th overall. Not a bad finish considering the competition. I am going to keep pushing myself to improve and work harder to get myself to where I want to be. I have a ways to go before I am happy with my results, but I am improving each week. The weather is finally warming up at home so I will be able to start riding during the week.  We are off to Park Hills, MO for the next round in May. I am looking forward to that race already!

Thanks again to all my sponsors and family for everything that they do for me.  You make it possible to do what I love!

Remember keep it between the trees!!!