Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Round #3 National Enduro - Gainesville, TX

March 22, 2015

My dad and I loaded up and decided to head down to the enduro early. The week before the scheduled National Enduro, Northern Texas was hit with over 10 inches of rain. This excessive amount of rain caused flooding in local areas and due to this unfortunate condition the enduro was cancelled. It wasn’t a complete loss for us because I was able to get in some great seat time in Oklahoma.   


Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Round #2 National Enduro - Pelion, SC

March 1, 2015

It was a short week in South Carolina for round two of the National Enduros. We left late afternoon Thursday and drove through the night so we could make it to HRD riding area in the morning. When we got there we tested a new bike setup. Everything we did worked really well and I was very excited with how my bike worked. I spent the remainder of the day riding and finished by washing and prepping my bike for the race.  

Friday and Saturday the weather was very nice- a far cry from the negative temperatures back home. When I went to bed Saturday night the rain started. It lasted all night and into the early morning. We were fortunate that the rain held off for the entire race, but the temperatures were chilly (low 40s). For the amount of rain throughout the night the course was actually pretty good. Don’t get me wrong there were some slick spots but the overall conditions weren’t that bad- the sandy soil helped.  

I had a really fun and exciting day with no major problems. The bike setup definitely hit the mark and minute 18 worked for me. I finished 15th in Expert AA and 43rd overall with over 500 riders. Now I just need some more seat time to improve my results. I’m hoping the temperatures back home will warm up (and the snow will melt) so I can ride. I look forward to round #3. 

I'd like to thank all my sponsors for all they do and my dad for helping out for the weekend. 

Remember - keep it between the trees! 

Photos posted by Kenny King Photography