Monday, October 31, 2016

October 2016 Family Fun

Happy 5th Birthday Chase
Who doesn't like jumping in the leaves?
 Pumpkin patch
 Zoo Boo
Carving Pumpkins
Trick-or-treating in our neighborhood

Thursday, September 1, 2016

September 2016 Family fun

 Up North at our cabin
 Harvesting apples
 American Heart Association - Heart Walk and celebration

Wednesday, August 31, 2016

August 2016 Family Fun

 water park fun
 Down Syndrome Awareness Walk - Team Chase!
Enjoying the warm summer days with water balloons 
 Back to school shopping

Monday, August 29, 2016

2016 NEPG Round 7

Round #7 Zanesville, OH

Unfortunately I was unable to make this event. From pictures I've seen the race looked awesome. I hope to make it next year.  

Sunday, August 21, 2016

2016 District 16 Harescramble - Hustler, WI

A little father son bonding time
Getting the computers and equipment ready
 Sign up and scoring crew
I took some time on Sunday Aug 14 to help arrow the course and get the race ready.

This District harescramble was part of Hustlerfest in Hustler, WI. Poor track didn't catch a break this year because it rained again and conditions were messy. On a positive note we woke up early and enjoyed a nice breakfast from the local church sale. Although I personally did not race this event I still had fun hanging out with race friends and helping out.

Monday, July 25, 2016

2016 District 16 Harescramble - Wedron, IL

Wedron didn't go as planned at all! The temps and humidity were extremely high so with that the races got shortened 15 min. A storm came the night before and dumped a lot of rain in a short time- this made the place slippery. When the flag dropped I got to the first turn first but was passed on the next one so I was sitting in second behind Cody Barnes. I relaxed and settled in to take it easy the first lap and to see what we were in for. Once around the course I knew where I could push and where I had to take it easy. I battled with Matt McDonald for a couple laps for the second spot and once I got around him the last time I was able to start pulling away from him and the rest of the field. I knew I was probably going to take second so I was trying to keep that spot and put more time on third and narrow my gap from first. Then around 45 min left I got cross rutted or something and ended up colliding with a tree. Once I stood up I knew I was definitely done for the day. Luckily, Matt Sather stopped to see if I was alright and I said yes but I am hurt and need help back up to the top. Matt and Ben Grosse helped me. Many others also stopped to see if I was okay. They rerouted the course so that they could get me on the four-wheeler and to the ambulance. I was taken to the local hospital and had tests ran to make sure I didn't have any major internal injuries. My test came back good and was just told that I was going to be really sore. I got extremely lucky that I escaped the crash with just torn muscles and bruises. I would like to thank all our friends and my family for helping me and my family pack up as I was headed to the hospital. Also, thanks to all my gear sponsors for the products that kept me safe in the crash.

Remember to keep it between the Trees!    NOT INTO THEM!!

@Moose Racing @Keytime Motorsports @Enduro Engineering @Kenda @Seat Concepts @Checkpoint Offroad @Bel-Ray @HBD @DirtTricks @Braking @Acerbis @FMF @SMITH @IMS @Leatte @GPR @EVS @G2 @Twinair

  Saturday before the race - Rockford Discovery Museum

Sunday, July 24, 2016

2016 NEPG Round 6

Round #6 of the NEPG series was in Cross Fork, PA. Unfortunately I had a local race scheduled on the same day so I missed the National Enduro this round.

@Moose Racing @Keytime Motorsports @Enduro Engineering @Kenda @Seat Concepts @Checkpoint Offroad @Bel-Ray @HBD @DirtTricks @Braking @Acerbis @FMF @SMITH @IMS @Leatte @GPR @EVS @G2 @Twinair

Thursday, June 30, 2016

June 2016 Family Fun

 Playing with baby animals
 It's hard work being a race fan!
 Splish Splash
 Strawberry picking

Monday, June 27, 2016

2016 District 16 Harescramble - Hixton, WI


We are at our 4th round of our series and I just came off a great ride at the last National Enduro so I'm looking to keep the momentum going and go for the win. Mother nature once again brought the heat to the event- it was very hot and humid. I was able to grab the hole shot and stay out front. I pulled away and lead the entire event. About mid race I started to get stomach cramps and didn't know why but I still kept pushing. At this point my pace was on cruise mode or what I had to do to stay out front but about three or four laps from the end Mason Amerling caught me. He had been pushing really hard in the later stages of the race. Once I seen him I put the hammer down and made sure to not make any mistakes. My last few laps were my fastest all day. I was able to stretch my lead to about 10 or 20 seconds and then I guess Mason crashed and I was able to coast in the last lap with no pressure.

I would like to thank my family and all my sponsors this year for all their help!

Remember keep it between the Trees!

@Moose Racing @Keytime Motorsports @Enduro Engineering @Kenda @Seat Concepts @Checkpoint Offroad @Bel-Ray @HBD @DirtTricks @Braking @Acerbis @FMF @SMITH @IMS @Leatte @GPR @EVS @G2 @Twinair

Trying to stay cool at the starting line

Family fun the day before the race - Black River Falls Aquatic center
Swimming with the Garetson bunch