Monday, April 30, 2012

District 16 Opener

It was a great feeling lining up with 18 other AA riders at the start of the race. I was surprisingly calm and very focused at the start of the race.  When Bob Kau raised the flag we were off, I got around an 8th place start.  When we went through the scoring barrels I was in 9th. That first lap I charged my way into 5th when we came through the scoring tent.  My pit board said -35 seconds behind the leader so I just put my head down and charged every corner lap after lap.  I was closing in on the leaders every lap which made me push that much more to catch them.  Around lap 4 or 5 they were right in front of me. Both Dylan and Nate stopped for gas on lap 5 and I got the lead for the rest of that lap then I stopped for fuel.  I didn't have the best gas stop and both Dylan and Nate got back around me.  The next couple of laps we all went back and forth switching positions. On the end of the second to last lap we were all bunched up nose to tail Dylan was in the lead then it was me then Stavish and then Nate.  We came to an up hill sand pit and everyone took different lines and I ended up bobbling and went from 2nd to 4th.  We all were together going into the woods across the lake I was closing in on the group coming up to the first muddy ditch but chose a bad line and ended up getting stuck on a log in the mud and had to get off and push my bike out of the mud and off the log. I lost to much time there and wasn't able to close the gap before the finish. I finished 4th overall and was extremely pleased with my ride. I would like to thank everyone that helped me that day and I couldn't have done it without all the support from my sponsors.  
 Start of the race. 19 riders in the AA class.

 Chasing Dylan Debel for the lead.

My son's first race.

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

4th Round National Enduro

Sunday April 22, 2012 West Point, TN.
This was my first race on the 310 Husky. My new bike is fast and I really like the power. It rained the Friday before the race and Saturday was a cool and windy day. The track was perfect for racing conditions. There were a couple muddy sections but nothing to worry about. I was on minute 18 and felt better than the previous round. During the first test I got off to a slow start getting use to the bike. Test two and six were my best. At the end of test three I broke off my clutch lever and had to replace it at the reset this was my only big mistake of the day. Test six I tried to ride hard to make up time and move up in position. I ended up 6 seconds out of third and 40 from second. I finished 4th in the open A class and 30th overall.  I would like to thank my sponsors for everything they do.