Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Round #5 National Enduro - Park Hills, Mo

Sunday May 17, 2015

We arrived early Friday afternoon to the primitive camping site at the enduro. In between the rain storms I went on a bicycle ride with my family around St. Joe’s state park. We enjoyed the beautiful scenery and it was nice to stretch our legs after the long drive! Then on Saturday I participated in the “Peddle with the Pros” bicycle ride. It was approximately an 11 mile ride on paved paths around the state park. This enduro location offers many recreational activities.   

Just like the last few rounds of the National Enduros the weather didn't want to cooperate with us- rain seems to be the pattern. I blame this on my good friend Jubal - A little side joke between us. It has rained in Park Hills MO since Thursday so the ground was saturated making the course very slippery and technical. I was on row 18 and glad to be an early minute in some of the tests because it was going to get really rutted by the time the later rows hit the trail.

My day had a lot of ups and downs. I just couldn't get comfortable. When I would try and push like I knew I could I would make small mistakes or have some close calls in the slippery conditions. I backed it off a notch knowing I wasn't going to get the results I wanted, but it would get me to the finish in one piece. I had already had one bad get off in the third test trying to miss a rider that had fallen in front of me and I ended up colliding with a tree that unloaded me off the bike. I knew that the conditions were affecting everyone a little, but I just couldn't put it together enough to ride where I wanted. At the end of the day my results were not what I wanted, but not that bad considering the conditions and competition that I was up against. I came home with a 9th in Expert AA and a 32 overall. Nothing to complain about, but I’m hard on myself and want to do better because I know I can. 

Thanks to my Family- you guys are the best traveling across the country to help. Also, thanks to everyone of my sponsors for all your help.

Remember to keep it between the trees!!!


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