Saturday, December 27, 2014

Winter Memories

 Keri graduated from the University of Wisconsin- Green Bay
 The flu bug hit everybody in our house
 Chase loves the outdoors and playing in the snow
 Making Christmas cookies with Grandma
Chase was a good boy this year! He loved opening presents.

Friday, October 31, 2014

Fall favorites

Four-wheeler rides with Grandpa
Playing at the parks
Corn maze at the pumpkin patch
Carving pumpkins
Zebra for Halloween
So much to be Thankful for!

Friday, October 17, 2014

First day of school for Chase

 Chase goes to Early Childhood three days a week for three hours a day.
He gets to ride a "bus" to and from school.

Monday, August 18, 2014

Summer time fun with the little guy!

 Bubble mania
 Playing at the park
Rriding on the big boy toys
 Water bug
 Play dates
 Fun at the petting zoos
Strawberry picking

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

CO National Enduro

August 10, 2014
We made it home from the long trek of round eight of the National Enduros at Grand Junction, Colorado. We were fortunate to go out early and stay with some friends (Ben and Nicole Bradford). I was able to ride with them from their home two days. We also had a blast floating down the CO River one afternoon and offroading in their four seat Razor. We loaded up and headed out Saturday morning to the race. The road leading up to the race was fifteen miles of gravel on the side of a mesa. Yikes! 

Conditions were very dry and dusty at the race. After unloading the bike we tested the jetting; it seemed a little underpowered like my practice bike was a few days earlier. The racing conditions were super dusty the entire day and the terrain was a lot different than back home. Dealing with the terrain and how the bike ran was hard to adjust. Also, the elevation and being on a minute with a rider that was similar in speed created a lot of dust to deal with. I had a good day but struggled a little because of the tough dusty conditions.  Overall I had fun and ended up 8th in Expert AA and 36th overall.  After this race I moved up to 4th place in my class for points for the year.

I would like to thank my sponsors and support crew for everything they do.

Remember to keep it between the trees!

Tuesday, August 5, 2014


Saturday I rode the course on my mountain bike and the trail conditions looked awesome and I was looking forward to the race.  

After agreeing with everyone in my class we started the AA row a little different this time. Each rider was positioned in front of their fender. When the gun shot we had to run around the side then get on and start our bikes. My bike started right way and I was off the first corner in second place. I followed Strangfeld for almost a full lap then got by him and started to pull away from everyone. I was able to put in consistent lap times and charge the entire race. At the end of the day my fastest lap was the last lap. I finally felt like myself and had a great day. I would like to thank my sponsors and family for everything they do to help me get the overall for the day.  

Remember to keep it between the trees.  



Photos courtesy of Waage family.

Tuesday, July 29, 2014

PA National

Round seven of the National Enduro series in Cross Fork, Pennsylvania is in the books. The weather was great for the weekend. Saturday I rode the demo bikes then relaxed and got ready for Sunday’s race.

I was on minute 25 with Brad Bakken and long time friend Matt Stavish. The first test started out well but half way through I blew a corner and ended up getting wedged between two trees and a spectator helped me out. By the time I got myself out and going again I fought with arm pump for the rest of that section. As I started test two the settings we picked for this race were a little miscalculated and we were able to change them at the next reset. Going into the third test I wasn’t sure if my settings were going to be good or bad, but I was in the right direction and able to post my best test section of the day. This gave me more momentum going into test four. Test four went well. Matt and I were fender to fender the entire test but I was able to get by him and felt more confident in myself and my bike. Everyone was saying test six was going to be the most technical of the day and they were right. A lot of people switched to a trials tire and I wish I had done the same. I ended up 12th in Expert AA and 39th overall. 

We made progress this week on my bike and I would like to thank all my sponsors.

Remember to keep it between the lines.