Monday, July 30, 2012

Hixton HareScramble.

Sunday July 29, 2012
We are back at CMJ Raceway in Hixton, WI for the last time this year. The morning of the race the skies were looking like it might rain. The kids race saw a couple of sprinkles but when the C and + 50 classes left the line it was a steady light rain for them the entire race. The rain stayed steady all the way up until the afternoon race. It looked as though we were going to have to fight the goggle issues ourselves but, by the time we were ready to race the rain had stopped and made the trail dust free for the most part. We lined up on the motocross start as usual but instead of your typical dead engine start they made us raise our right hand over our heads until the gun went off. I almost squeezed by Bobby Kau for the hole shot but didn't want to take us both out. I pulled in behind him and waited until we got off the moto track into the first woods section where I made my move and got around him and started to put my head down to try to pull away. On my second lap my dad showed me the pit board and I had a 45 second lead in a lap and a half. I wanted to continue to push myself and get a comfortable gap between me and the rest of the guys. I stayed focused the entire race and tried to  ride smart and smooth and mistake free. My lap times were pretty consistent the whole day as my fastest lap was my first and last lap of the day. I had an awesome ride and I took the overall by a big margin. I would like to thank my Dad for helping out with everything over the weekend and a big thanks to all my sponsors for everything they do for me. Thanks!!!

Remember Keep it between the Trees!!   

Monday, July 23, 2012

Fox Valley Offroad Park's Dual District Race.

AA row.

First turn.

One of the logs at scoring.
Last corner before the checkers!
Well the weekend started out like the last couple of weeks have been HOT!! I was really looking forward to this weekend's race. For one I have never been here before and that is always exciting going to a new facility to race since we usually race the same tracks year after year. And two I was looking forward to the bigger turnout that District 17 usually has. Since it was so hot and extremely dry down there the rider count was down a little bit which was expected. I rode my mountain bike around the track Saturday afternoon to see what I was in for on Sunday. The track had a lot of elevation change on the hill sides and two creek crossings. They have a really safe moto track and  a rocky dried up creek bottom that we winded down.  The course was going to be super dusty so a good start was definitely going to help you put some time on everyone. I had a good jump off the start but I was third going into the woods. Ryan Moss and Bobby Kau were right in front of me. Just a short time in the woods Bobby took an outside line and Ryan and myself got by him and started to pull away. Ryan led the first lap and a half and then he washed out on an uphill. I tried to get around him but there wasn't enough room so he got going again. He ended up tipping over at the top of the hill and I was able to go around him there and start to put some good fast laps in since I had a clear view of the trail with no dust. I rode a smart and good pace the whole day just trying not to make any mistakes and get through the heat and dust we had to deal with. My day ended well- I took the Overall  win by just over 1 minute. I had a lot of fun and would like to thank the owners for doing a great job with the course for what they have to work with. They kept the speeds down in the dust and tried to water everything that they could. I would also like to thank my pit crew, which consists of  Chase, Keri , Mom and Dad for sweating it out in the heat. Not to forget all my great sponsors that I have this year for helping me win races and just to go and have fun with everyone at the races THANKS!!!

Till next time keep it between the trees!!

Monday, July 9, 2012

Stone Lake Hare Scramble!!

Photo: GREAT RIDE J.D. at Stone Lake!  Congratulations from the Straight Arrows!
Navigating through the rocks and trees.
I had a good ride today, I got to the front quickly and was patient. My start was ok, I got around everyone pretty quick and caught Nate at the halfway point of the first lap. I followed him for awhile and figured out were I was going to try and make a move to pass him, but on the third lap he made a mistake and went down in the rocks by the quarry. I Got around him and just tried to ride smart and hard, no mistakes. Then the skies opened up on us and made the course a little slick. I kept pushing it until the last lap. I knew I had a little cushion on Nate so I slowed it down a notch so I wouldn't make any big mistakes and throw it away, because I knew Nate would be pushing all the way to the finish to try and catch me. He made a lot of time up that lap but I had enough of a gap to ride smart and not chance going down hard in the slippery conditions. I finished the race with a win. The club did a great job laying out the course- there was more woods this year and less road and field, I like that. So a big thank you to them. This year everything we have been working on is headed in the right direction and my results have been showing it because this is my fifth straight win. A big thank you to all my sponsors and everyone that has helped me this year.

 Remember Keep It Between The Trees!!!