Monday, July 9, 2012

Stone Lake Hare Scramble!!

Photo: GREAT RIDE J.D. at Stone Lake!  Congratulations from the Straight Arrows!
Navigating through the rocks and trees.
I had a good ride today, I got to the front quickly and was patient. My start was ok, I got around everyone pretty quick and caught Nate at the halfway point of the first lap. I followed him for awhile and figured out were I was going to try and make a move to pass him, but on the third lap he made a mistake and went down in the rocks by the quarry. I Got around him and just tried to ride smart and hard, no mistakes. Then the skies opened up on us and made the course a little slick. I kept pushing it until the last lap. I knew I had a little cushion on Nate so I slowed it down a notch so I wouldn't make any big mistakes and throw it away, because I knew Nate would be pushing all the way to the finish to try and catch me. He made a lot of time up that lap but I had enough of a gap to ride smart and not chance going down hard in the slippery conditions. I finished the race with a win. The club did a great job laying out the course- there was more woods this year and less road and field, I like that. So a big thank you to them. This year everything we have been working on is headed in the right direction and my results have been showing it because this is my fifth straight win. A big thank you to all my sponsors and everyone that has helped me this year.

 Remember Keep It Between The Trees!!!

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