Monday, June 25, 2012

Racing to a Win on my Birthday at Hixton.

Rex and Will wishing me luck.

The AA Line.

Leading the race after two laps.

Our good gas stop- thanks pit crew.

The weekend started off good, we left for the race Friday night so we could sleep in and have a relaxing weekend at the races. I woke up early Saturday morning and headed out on the trail with my mountain bike to check out what they had in store for us on Sunday.  They got about four inches of rain the week before which was needed by the looks of it because it made the course conditions look really awesome. I was told that it was super dusty the weekend before so good thing for the rain other wise we would have been racing in a dust bowl. I think I pushed my bicycle more than I rode it thanks to Hixton's hilly landscape. I am glad I biked it the day before since they had some spots that were new that were hard to see where to go. When Sunday rolled around the temps started to climb. It was already muggy in the morning and with a 1 o'clock start it was going to be a warm one. We had 10 AA riders on the line. We even got some of the Minnesota boys to come and race this weekend. I got a decent start and was second going into the woods.  I followed Matt for about a lap and a half and he pulled over and let me by. I didn't know what was wrong but I figured something was up for him to just let me by that early in the race. When I got around him I put the hammer down and just tried to stretch my lead out from the rest of the pack. I knew Nate and Stavish would be pushing to try to catch me. I got a good amount of time on them the first three laps. Biking the course on Saturday really helped me as I could push it right away while the rest of the riders were trying to figure out were to go. The course was a little hard to see arrows in a couple of sections. By the time the checkers flew I had over a minute lead on second place. I really felt good all day in the heat and my bike was really working awesome. I would like to thank everyone that helped me out at the race and for the year so far. All my hard work this year has really been paying off. This is my fourth straight win and hoping to keep the streak going.

 Thanks again to everyone and keep it between the trees!!

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