Monday, May 19, 2014

Missouri National Enduro

Round four of the National Enduro series was in Missouri. We were in store for a great weekend because the weather was going to be perfect and the trails were said to be in great shape for race day. I was excited to get the weekend started and hoped to improve on my results. When the clocked clicked 19 I fired my bike and took off for the start of test one. I didn't make it far into that section when I made a small bobble which ended up becoming a nasty get off (I ended up in a small cedar tree). Not the way I wanted to start the day! I got my bike going and settled down and started to push. I tried to make the best of that test and put behind me that incident because I had a whole race ahead of me. That was not the case because I couldn't get comfortable with the terrain all day. The track was a little sketchy with all the rocks, roots and the fast trail. I just couldn't get settled in and relaxed. It seemed like I was fighting myself a lot and making too many little mistakes. My best section of the day was the sixth test. This was a lot more technical and tighter trail section. It had the well known water fall section which was pretty neat. I was hoping for a better finish, but overall was satisfied with my results. I finished 31st overall and 10th in the Expert AA class. 

I would like to thank all my sponsors because you make it a lot easier for me to do what I love. I am constantly trying new things to improve and get to where I want to be.  

Remember to keep it between the trees!!
Short clip of the waterfall section in Test 6

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