Tuesday, July 29, 2014

PA National

Round seven of the National Enduro series in Cross Fork, Pennsylvania is in the books. The weather was great for the weekend. Saturday I rode the demo bikes then relaxed and got ready for Sunday’s race.

I was on minute 25 with Brad Bakken and long time friend Matt Stavish. The first test started out well but half way through I blew a corner and ended up getting wedged between two trees and a spectator helped me out. By the time I got myself out and going again I fought with arm pump for the rest of that section. As I started test two the settings we picked for this race were a little miscalculated and we were able to change them at the next reset. Going into the third test I wasn’t sure if my settings were going to be good or bad, but I was in the right direction and able to post my best test section of the day. This gave me more momentum going into test four. Test four went well. Matt and I were fender to fender the entire test but I was able to get by him and felt more confident in myself and my bike. Everyone was saying test six was going to be the most technical of the day and they were right. A lot of people switched to a trials tire and I wish I had done the same. I ended up 12th in Expert AA and 39th overall. 

We made progress this week on my bike and I would like to thank all my sponsors.

Remember to keep it between the lines.  

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Wedron Harescramble #2

July 20, 2014

We are back for our second trip to Fox Valley Offroad Park in Wedron, IL. This race looks though it will be a lot less muddy than the last time we were there. It seems like lap times will be slower because the course appeared to be a lot more technical than previous races. I was looking forward to a good finish today and getting to the front like I should be. 

As we got to the starting line the big talk was Jason Thomas and another pro rider were there (hitting a race on their way to the OMA the next weekend). We had a pretty stacked class with the local fast guys and the new fast guys.  As the flag dropped I was off to the first turn and was sitting good but Shane lost the front end of his bike and went down right in front of me.  I thought I was able to just sneak by him, but my front tire caught his wheel and brought me down too. I was able to get up quickly and get going, but we were back in the pack. When I got half way around that lap I ran into A riders and I caught some more at the end of that lap at scoring. I wondered what happened. The next lap the same thing occurred; I caught the same A riders after passing them. Apparently somebody must have blown a ribbon and those riders were taking a different trail. Finally the workers found the area in question, but by that time it seemed like the leaders gained a huge gap (I wasn’t sure if they were taking that route too). I struggled a little all day after the first turn crash and wondered how everyone was getting so far ahead of me. I was disappointed in my 9th place result and disappointed with the whole race.    

I would like to thank everyone for standing behind me and I will be back stronger next week. 

Remember to keep it between the trees. 


 Photos courtesy of Andrew Shaw

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Stone Lake Harescramble #1

July 13, 2014

Our first trip to Stone Lake has come and gone.  The weekend was looking great with good weather and the race was promising almost an eight mile course. The Minnesota series has a good following so I was also looking forward to a good turnout.  

As two o’clock came near I was ready to get the day started.  As the flag dropped my bike fired up and I was about fifth to the first corner.  As I got to the corner I got pushed wide because of a mud hole in the inside of the corner, but as we went around the moto track I was able to get around a couple of guys and was sitting in a good spot going into the woods. I was confident that I could get by them and push to the front. As we started the second lap I came to the first field section and grabbed a couple gears. I was in either fourth or fifth when the front wheel tucked on me and sent me cart wheeling across the ground. After I gathered myself, I remounted the bike and took off. I was pretty sore and just rode the rest of the race trying to just get through it. After I crossed the finish line I was bummed on my finish but happy that I didn’t get seriously hurt on my get off. I never give up no matter what happens and push to come back stronger.  I would like to thank all my sponsors and my family for all their help.

Remember to keep it between the trees.

 Cheering on daddy!