Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Wedron Harescramble #2

July 20, 2014

We are back for our second trip to Fox Valley Offroad Park in Wedron, IL. This race looks though it will be a lot less muddy than the last time we were there. It seems like lap times will be slower because the course appeared to be a lot more technical than previous races. I was looking forward to a good finish today and getting to the front like I should be. 

As we got to the starting line the big talk was Jason Thomas and another pro rider were there (hitting a race on their way to the OMA the next weekend). We had a pretty stacked class with the local fast guys and the new fast guys.  As the flag dropped I was off to the first turn and was sitting good but Shane lost the front end of his bike and went down right in front of me.  I thought I was able to just sneak by him, but my front tire caught his wheel and brought me down too. I was able to get up quickly and get going, but we were back in the pack. When I got half way around that lap I ran into A riders and I caught some more at the end of that lap at scoring. I wondered what happened. The next lap the same thing occurred; I caught the same A riders after passing them. Apparently somebody must have blown a ribbon and those riders were taking a different trail. Finally the workers found the area in question, but by that time it seemed like the leaders gained a huge gap (I wasn’t sure if they were taking that route too). I struggled a little all day after the first turn crash and wondered how everyone was getting so far ahead of me. I was disappointed in my 9th place result and disappointed with the whole race.    

I would like to thank everyone for standing behind me and I will be back stronger next week. 

Remember to keep it between the trees. 


 Photos courtesy of Andrew Shaw

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