Tuesday, August 27, 2013

The first annual greg moss memorial race.


The first annual Greg Moss memorial race was a good time. Ryan and the rest of the Forest City riders did a great job laying out a fun course. They added a little extra this year as they put in an enduro cross section on the hill. The section took its toll on some of the riders, but was a great spectator spot to watch. Greg would have loved to see who had the skills to make it through. My day was pretty good. I got off to a decent start and was about 5th going into the first woods section. I tried to get around everyone as fast as I could so that the leader (Adam Bonner) wouldn't pull away from us. I finally got into second and tried to make a charge but Adam had to much of a lead by the time I had clear trail to put my head down and charge. I was slowly gaining ground to him but I just ran out of time. I ended the day in a strong second place with a pretty big gap back to third. I would like to thank all my sponsors and everyone else that has helped me this year.

Remember keep it between the trees!!

Monday, August 19, 2013

The Dusty Stone Lake

August 18, 2013
The Start

We made it back for our final race (round 8 of the series) at Sumit Lake Game Farm in Stone Lake, WI. Mother nature wasn't to cooperative for the course because they were in need of rain badly. It was going to be a really dusty race Sunday. Saturday I mountained biked the course as usual. It is a good light work out and just time for me to clear my head and see what the course has instore for us. Sunday rolled around and we were ready to come out swinging. I felt good and was ready to put in a good ride and see where I would finish. The AA class had some good competition and was sure to be a fight to the checkers. We have been working on the starting of the bike and it paid off because I actually left with everyone when the gun fired. I didn't get a great jump but I wasn't dead last like a couple of the races and since it was going to be dusty I needed a good start. I was in third after the first couple of corners and held that position off the moto track.  When we left the track it was blindingly dusty. You couldn't see anything and had to tip toe down the twotrack roads until we hit the woods where it wasn't as dusty. I got into second fairly quick and was catching Dylan in the woods when we hit another road and he dusted me out. I had to let off a little so I could see and that was enough for him to get a gap on me again. It was going to come down to mistakes to get around some one. Unfortunately I made a little mistake and clipped a tree and it knocked me down. As I was just getting up and going Nate blazed a trail through the woods and made the pass on me and of course just dusted me out. It didn't help things out either that we were just starting to catch lappers so I had his dust and others to contend with. I decided to play it safe and try to ride hard but not over my head and finish the race without a big crash. I ended the day in third. Should have been at least second but that is where those little mistakes can turn into big mistakes in a hurry. I am going to put my head down and work on a few things to improve so I can get on the top step again. I would like to thank all my sponsors for everything they do and my family for being there week in and week out. Without all of you it would be hard to do what I love. Thanks Again!!

Remember to keep it between the trees!!

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

The summer bummer weekend.


Day 1
We made the five hour drive to the Indiana town of Roselawn. We arrived late Friday night, got settled in, and crashed for the night. Saturday morning was a little muggy. I went to sign up and got on the second row which was great because I wanted to avoid lap traffic. The first loop was basically just a parade lap to get the trail broken in. I tried to get myself ready for the remaining laps to put the hammer down and ride smooth and hard. I put in a good ride the rest of the race, but made a few small mistakes here and there that cost me the win. The top three were separated by seconds all day. I came home with a third place for the day.

Day 2

Once again it was a hot and muggy day of ridding just like the day before. I wanted to redeem myself by riding hard and coming home with the win. My day started off really well. I dropped a 1 in the first section and knew I was on pace for the day. The next test went well also, but I had a little trouble getting around a few riders. I rode this section clean and smooth and still on track to be where I needed to be to be in contention for the win. The third test is where I tried to ride hard and make no mistakes and try and gap the rest of the field. I did what I wanted to but so did Anthony. We both came out of that test dropping 3 points. After three tests we where tied. Tests 4 and 5 went well. Test five could have been trimmed better so I could have seen the trail better, but it was still good. I was in a battle with Anthony and probably only seconds determining who would come home with the win. On the sixth test is where my day fell apart, we were only about a mile into the section when a couple of us got lost. The trail apparently turned left but they had very few arrows and no ribbon or wrong way signs on the old trail they turned off of and we followed it for a ways. I turned around and headed back to see where the trail went and by that time already lost a minute on Anthony (we almost hit head on trying to find the trail). That test cost me a chance at taking home the overall for the day. The final test was the long test we had the day before and it was beat up. I tried to ride the last section hard and mistake free but a few mistakes cost me some time which wouldn't have changed the outcome for the day. I finished the race second overall. I would like to thank all my sponsors for their help and everyone else that helped out. Thanks.

Remember to Keep it between the trees!!

Monday, August 5, 2013

Hixton Enduro.


We made our last trip to Hixton, WI for the year. You couldn't have asked for a nicer weekend for being outside and enjoying the weather. The SEWER club laid out a 6.6 mile course for the closed course Enduro. I mountain biked the course on Saturday morning and was excited to race it on Sunday. They cut in some new trail and made the loop more technical than it normally is there. The dirt was pretty good too, because they got some rain in the middle of the week. I drew minute one Sunday morning and typically that would be a horrible minute but with the closed course Enduros you don't have any lap traffic in your way and you can just ride the course. The first lap was hard to find the trail in spots due to some of the trail being new, but the rest of the laps were great. We did six loops for the day. I didn't really have any big mistakes except one time getting around a rider I caught a root and went down but got up quickly and kept pushing forward. I rode really well for the most part and I had a lot of fun on the course. I ended up taking the overall win for the day and would like to thank all my sponsors and my wife and parents for helping out each and every week at the races. Thanks!

Remember keep it between the trees!