Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Banquet 2012

District 16 Enduro Series Awards
District 16 Harescramble Series Awards
 What a great year! I finished the state champion in both the District 16 Enduro and Harescramble series. I had an amazing year and ended the season healthy and ready for next season.  The banquet was held at the Kalahri in Wisconsin Dells and we enjoyed time at the water park.  I look forward to the future because I have big plans for the new season.

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Turkey Creek Enduro

November 4, 2012

Well the season is in the books for 2012.  We just had our last race of the year for our local series and I am dreading the cold that winter will bring us in Wisconsin. Not only fearing the snow and bitter cold but fearing not being able to ride my dirt bike around home until spring. Enough talk about winter, our last race was in New Paris, IN. The weather was a bit cold but the trail was awesome and you couldn't ask for a better race to end the year on. My day didn't start out as planed. Near the end of the first test we were headed to another woods section across a bean field. I entered the woods and we had to go over a rock pile I went to lay the bike over for the turn and my chain derailed. That killed me on my time since the race was ran at 30 mph speed average. It didn't take that long to get it back on but to long to have a good first test. That was pretty much the way the rest of my day went. I had a lot of trouble with lappers either falling in the worst possible spots or not moving over for me when I caught them. I had one good get off in the third test which probably cost me some time too. Even with all the trouble I still had a fun day ridding. My results were not what I was looking for but it just makes me want to train and improve more to be better and more prepared for the next race. Races like this make you learn what you need to work on and motivate you to do better. 

Sunday, October 7, 2012

Down Syndrome Awareness Walk

Supporting my son in the 4th Annual Down Syndrome Awareness walk.  I would like to thank everyone who made it to the walk it really meant a lot to us that you were there.  THANKS!!

Monday, October 1, 2012

Wooped out Rapids!

Sept. 30th, 2012

Before the race with my little guy Chase
Getting ready for the Start.

The Gas Stop.

Last time through scoring taking the WIN!
We made the two hour trip to WI Rapids for the second to last round of the District 16 Hare Scramble series. I was unsure if I was going to race it or not for two reasons. First, I have the series wrapped up and I didn't have to go. Second I have horrible luck at this race. I have had lots of problems here from breaking toes, smashing pipes, smashing radiators, you name it I had it happen here. I was up in the air and finally on Saturday morning decided we were going racing on Sunday. What else would we do other wise, if we aren't racing we don't know what to do with ourselves. The weather was perfect for the racers and the spectators.  The club got permission to use some more property and added some new trail which made it a little longer and something new to ride rather than the same old trail everyone has ridding for years. I didn't get the best start and ended up going in the first woods section in seventh place. By the time we got back on the moto track and off it again Luke Wilder caught a log and went down. Next was Speedy Pete I rolled up on him after Luke went down and just as I was closing in on him I heard his Throttle screaming wide open so he was pulling over in a hurry to get that fixed. I then caught the lead pack of Scott, Matt, Chase, and Bobby.  I passed Bobby at the end of the rocky off camber section and put my sights on the rest of the guys. Matt had gotten around Scott and Chase and I then rolled up behind him and he was having some issues he said and he let us go and we started to chase down Matt. We came back into scoring that lap and Matt decided he was going to be a lumber jack and try to take down some trees and went down. So Chase and I got around him and started to pull away. Chase was ridding good and I was just trying to find some lines that I could use to make a move on him and get around him. The lap before I made the pass I found three lines I wanted to use to make the pass. We came to the first two I had scoped out and he used them and took my chances away from me. I had one left and hoped he didn't see it. We came up on a small "s" turn and I cut in the inside of him and got the pass. I then just tried to ride smooth and smart to try and gain some time on him. I was suppose to stop for gas that lap but I decided to go one more since I just rode my butt off to get around him and didn't want him to get right back by me. Well it turns out he gassed that lap and that gave me some good breathing room. I gassed the next lap and was able to pull almost a 2 minute lead by the end of the race to take the WIN. I had a lot of fun and was glad that I came and raced. I want to thank my parents and wife  for helping out on the gas stop and also like to thank all my sponsors for an awesome year of racing.  I couldn't have done it with out you.  All your support is greatly appreciated.  Thanks!!

Until next time keep it between the trees!!

Monday, September 24, 2012

Silver Dollar Shootout

Sept. 23, 2012

The weekend didn't go as planed. We took an early row to not have to deal with the dust and not have as many riders to try and get around. But I struggled to find the trail at times and actually got lost for a short time on the second test and lost valuable time. When we went out on the second loop there was actually a trail to follow and I was able to shave a minute off each of the tests on the second loop. If I would have had the same course on the first loop I would have been right with the leaders in time. The trail had everything from super tight woods, hills, river bottoms, to flowing fast trail to blasting down cornfields. We had a good time despite the problems and I came home with Fifth overall at the event. Not were I like to finish but salvaged the points I needed to wrap up the series and take home another State Championship Enduro title. I would like to thank all my sponsors that helped me achieve this and I couldn't have done it without you. Thanks. Also, I would like to thank my family for all that they sacrifice and do to help me do what I love.

Until next time keep it between the trees!!

Monday, September 17, 2012

Fast and Dusty Sugar Maple

September 16, 2012
We made the trip to the eight round at Sugar Maple, WI.  This is only the second time they have put on a hare scramble event at their facility. This was my first time racing here so we left early so I could get a chance to walk the course the day before and see what was in store for us on Sunday. The course was pretty fast and wide open; their moto track is pretty long and it goes in and out of a valley. We would start on the track and go on and off it two separate times and the last would bring us into the woods more and across the road to some more technical trail they added for this year as I was told. It also looked like the dust could play a role in Sundays race. Well, Sunday rolled around and looked like it was going to be a great day for racing. I didn't get the best start but by the second turn I was in third place. We left the moto track and entered one of the corn mazes (yes corn mazes). They chopped a row out of the cornfields and made three different sections through it. We came back to the moto track and I was able to get past Bobby at the bottom of one of the valleys before we went back into the woods. I had my sights set on Matt. I caught up to him and was following him through the more technical portion of the race across the road when he blew a corner coming out of the corn and we drag raced to the next corner. I was able to sneak in front of him and try and put a little distance on him; he had to deal with the dust that he was leaving for all of us. I was able to put a little cushion on him and then I just tried to ride my own race and not make any big mistakes. The course was pretty fast and a slight mistake could end in a big crash at the speeds we were going. I put my head down and was able to get a good lead. By the end of the day I was the only rider to get sent out on another lap so I just rode smart and brought the Husky in for the win. I would like to thank everyone that has helped me this year from all my sponsors to my friends and especially my Dad, Mom, Wife and the little guy. THANKS!!

Remember keep it between the trees!!!

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Round 8 of the National Enduros!

September 9, 2012
the waterfall section

We made the trek to Missouri for the eight round of the National Enduro series in Park Hill, MO. The weather and conditions were perfect. We have been here to play ride but this was our first time racing here. We arrived Saturday morning and got set up for the weekend. We borrowed a couple of bicycles from Allan Randt and went to check out the famous waterfall section everyone talks about. Glad we did because I got to see what lines I was going to take down it. They haven't had much rain so there wasn't much water running down it. We signed up Saturday afternoon, got sound checked, got ready for the next day and just relaxed a bit. I have been fighting allergies for the last couple of weeks and I thought that they were getting better on Saturday because I felt awesome, but Saturday night they hit again and I had to take some medicine. Sunday came around and I felt pretty good but the medicine makes my head feel funny and makes my reaction times and timing on the bike a little off so I struggled with that the first couple of sections. I finally got my head into the race around the fourth test but not being able to start hard at the beginning hurt me in my results. I rode the best that I could considering my circumstances and came home with a 4th place trophy in Open A and 23rd place Overall. I would like to thank all my sponsors and my dad for all the support I get on and off the track.

Until next time keep it between the trees!!

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Rainy Day at Byron.

Well the trip to Byron, IL ended up being a wet one. The morning race saw overcast skies and a dusty trail in the woods. But by the time we got to the starting line the skies looked like they were going to open up on us at any time. They did, it was just a steady drizzle for most of the race. It made the moto track super slippery and was starting to make the woods loop better since they have had such dry conditions down there. My start was not the best because my bike didn't start on the first kick and I was almost dead last off the line. I worked my way up to sixth by the first lap and was able to get into fifth in a short time after that. I finally caught fourth place after another lap and got by him and just started to put my head down to catch the leaders. I finally caught second and third place after a lot of hard laps with lap traffic and slippery conditions.  When I caught them they were holding me up a little since I was just pushing it to try and make up as much ground as I could from the start that I had. When we came out on the moto track I was right with them and then I got crossed up and went down hard. I got back up and got myself going but after that crash my bike was cutting out every once in awhile and would not start back up right away. With that happening I lost second and third place riders and was also caught by fifth place when my bike stalled on one of the laps.  Well, I was able to catch fourth again and I got around him on the last lap but almost at the end of the race my bike stalled again and he got back around me and I ended up finishing fifth. When we got home we found our problem that was causing all my issues and the bike is running awesome again. You're going to have rough days so you just have to get through them and finish the best you can and regroup for next weekend. I would like to thank all my sponsors- without you I wouldn't be out here having fun racing my dirtbike. I would also like to thank my pit crew for standing out in the rain all day pitting for me.

Until next time, keep it between the trees!!

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Third Win at Stone Lake.

August 19, 2012

Family photo.
Sound testing.
The AA Row.
Chasing Nate Down.

The Checkers.

Well we are done heading west to Stone Lake WI for the year. This was our third time to the Summit lake game farm. The place is great and the owners are equally as great to let us use their property. Saturday afternoon we received a small shower which helped to control the dust for Sunday's race. There was a couple of mud holes but nothing to even worry about. The club had a little over a 10 mile loop for us. The trail was alot more technical this time out here than the last race we had this year. We only did 4 laps this time with a lap time around the 29 minute mark. I got a pretty good start- I was second or third in the corner but had to go wide to miss a mud hole and ended up 3rd. I got by second a few turns later on the moto track and was right on Matt Herrington going into the woods. I followed him for about half the first lap and was able to sneak by him on a grassy road. When I passed him I tried to push it a little to try and gap him and anyone else that was close. I started to pull a small lead but I came down a small hill and hit a big bump and my bike stalled for some reason. Well then it would not start right away. I kicked and kicked and by that time Nate ferderer caught me and it still wouldn't start. It finally started but I lost about 45 seconds trying to start it and when I got back to the moto track my pit board said 30 sec back. I knew I had my work cut out to try and catch Nate and to pass him for that matter. I really pushed it for the next two laps and was reeling him in. On the start of the last lap I had caught him just a little ways in the woods. I just rode his rear fender waiting for him to make a mistake or take a bad line and try and slip by him. We were really hauling the whole race but especially the last lap because he wanted to win bad and so did I. I tried one pass about half way around the loop. I almost made it but Nate swaped on a rock and sent him into my line so I had to hit the brakes so I didn't take us both out. If he would of not made that mistake I would have gotten by him there. I just kept the pressure on and hoped I could find a way or capitalize on a mistake. Unfortunately, about a mile from the end we went down a power line section with tall grass that was mowed but full of hidden rocks. We were almost out of the grassy section when Nate caught a rock with his rear tire and it pitched him off his bike and onto a huge rock in the course. I almost hit his bike and got stopped so I didn't hit him. I asked if he was all right but he shook his head no and was trying to tell me were he was hurting. I stayed there making sure he was ok and helped him up once we made sure he was able to get back up.  Another rider Jared Brereton helped him on his bike and I took off when I knew he was ok. I came into the scoring tent and stopped and told his dad that Nate crashed, but I thought he was ok for the most part and I headed for the scoring tent and the checkers were out and that was it. I ended up taking the win. Who knows if I would of got around him or not but that is racing and when you are pushing that hard anything can happen. I was happy that I was able to catch back up after my bike problem and put up a fight to the finish with Nate. I would like to thank all the club members for putting the time into the event so that we can go and have some fun racing. I would also like to thank all my sponsors for everything that they do. And last but not least my pit crew for putting up with me and getting everything I need throughout the day- Thanks.

Well until next time keep it between the trees!!

Monday, August 13, 2012

Cycle USA

Made the Cycle USA cover August 2012 edition (for the second time). I'm glad I am able to promote all my sponsors. Thanks for the support.
Here is a link to the magazine:
There are two articles of the races I went to and won in the magazine.  page 40 and 54.

Summer Bummer Enduro (hunting bares)

Saturday August 11, 2012 Closed Course Enduro

Start of the first section.
My little buddy!

For some reason this was our first year going to the Summer Bummer Enduro in Roselawn, IN.  We have been to the spring race many times but not to the summer one. The race is held on part of the property of a nudist resort. You can just imagine what is lurking in the woods! We arrived there Friday night and settled in for the night. In the morning I got up and went for a walk into the woods behind our trailer and the sand had a ton of moisture and it looked like it was going to be perfect conditions for riding. Turns out I was right, the trail held the moisture and was awesome. Saturday consisted of three loop sections; each of these three sections we raced three different times. We ran a total of 9 tests on Saturday using the restart format. The first 3 tests were basically sight laps. It was only 10 mph speed average so we were just burning the new trail in. The rest of the laps we did were 18 mph except for the last test they bumped that up to 24mph. Well needless to say the only test that took points was the last test so it came down to the last test of the day to determine the winner. Four of us dropped just 2 points all day but as the seconds were figured I ended up 3rd place. Had a good ride and had fun.

Sunday August 12, 2012 
Ready to put the hammer down!

Road side pitstop.
Bringing home the Overall!!

Sunday we were looking at about 70 ground miles for the day. The longest test being about eight miles long and shortest at about four miles. I was looking forward to today because I wanted to try and get the win since I was soo close on Saturday. I felt good Sunday morning and was ready to get the day started. My first test was good- no major mistakes. I had a little trouble with two riders not moving over right away and held me up a bit but I came out of the section with only dropping a 1. The second section I rode really well and came out dropping 2 points. The third test is were I really put my head down and charged, I marked a 3 in that section being the fastest time through there and doing so got me a minute lead on the rest of the guys.  The rest of the test we all dropped the same amount of minutes. That third test is what sealed the deal for me to take the Overall for the day. I had a lot of fun and the trail was awesome. I would like to thank the club and all the volunteers for their time so we could have fun riding our dirt bikes and winning races. And a big thanks to all my sponsors for all that they do. Also, I would like to thank my wife and dad for chasing me around all day making sure I had everything I needed to finish. 

Keep it between the Trees!